Development Cooperation
Dr. Paul Hoebink SANPAD?s Joint Chair of Joint Committee has been appointed on the special chair 'Development Cooperation' (starting March 1), funded by HIVOS and Oxfam-Novib

Comment on the Poverty Conference events, papers, and speakers

Welcome to the SANPAD website

SANPAD (South Africa-Netherlands Research Programme on Alternatives in Development) is a unique collaborative research programme that has been financed by the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1997. SANPAD funds high quality, collaborative research by South African researchers in association with Dutch researchers. In Phase 2 SANPAD will fund research projects that have a social development and policy related content that may be multi-disciplinary and cross thematic and with a special focus on poverty reduction...[read more]


Annually SANPAD invites senior South African
researchers to apply for financial support for
collaborative, development-oriented team research
projects. These teams are not only to be
international (in that they are at least to include
researchers from the Netherlands), but are also
preferably to extend across institutional, gender
and racial divides in South Africa... [read more ]
Central to the SANPAD mission is the commitment to develop research capacity amongst persons from previously disadvantaged communities. Every SANPAD-funded research project has therefore to include in the approved research team one or more junior researchers from these groups, whose skills and confidence as researchers will be honed by working in the project under the guidance of senior researchers... [read more ]?
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